2016 ECE Special Seminar: Prof. YunGu Lee

Tuesday, August 30, 2016
- Place : Room E104, 104 Engineering Bldg.
- Participant : Students of ECE
- Department : School of Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Staff : Yoon Jung Lee
- Contact : 052-217-3627
- E-mail : yoonj12@unist.ac.kr
A special seminar, organized by School of Electrical & Computer Engineering at UNIST will be held at UNIST on August 30th, 2016.
At the seminar, Prof. YunGu Lee from KwangWoon University will be presenting “Introduction to Video Stabilization”.
The development of digital imaging technologies has enabled handheld video cameras to become popular. Nowadays, everyone can easily take high-quality video with high-resolution using consumer cameras. However, there is still a quality gap between consumer and professional devices. One of the main reasons for the deficit in visual quality is the camera motion generated by undesirable shaking in the user’s hand. Due to the camera motion, the recorded video becomes shaky. Moreover, if one is walking while shooting, the visual quality will significantly decrease. Hence, video stabilization, which alleviates undesirable camera motion, is one of the most important features in a camera.
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