2016 Fall ECE Colloquium: Prof. Siyoung Choi

Wednesday, November 30, 2016
4p.m. - 5p.m.
- Place : Room #E101, Engineering Bldg. 104
- Participant : Graduate students of ECE
- Department : School of Energy & Chemical Engineering
- Staff : Junyoung Jung
- Contact : 052-217-3543
- E-mail : jyjung@unist.ac.kr
The 2016 Energy & Chemical Engineering Seminars will be held at UNIST, every Wednesday from August 31st to December 7th, 2016.
The 10th lecturer of this year’s ECE Colloquium is Prof. Siyoung Choi from KAIST, presenting “Nanoparticle-decorated porous materials and its applications”.