2016 Learning Workshop

Tuesday, May 10, 2016
- Place : BAB207
- Department : CTL
- Staff : Jules Seo
- Contact : 217-4105
UNIST CTL is delighted to provide a learning workshop in order to help you successfully take flipped learning-based courses.
Please come and share your issues on learning.
- Title: How Can I Speak Better in Learner-Oriented Classrooms?
- Time: May 10(Tue.) at 5:40~7:00pm
- Place: BAB 207
- Presenter: Juliana Jiyoon Lee(Director of Educentro)
- Language: English
Please click HERE to register and we look forward to seeing you soon! 😀
Contact: Center for Teaching and Learning(email: ctl-help@unist.ac.kr )
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