2017 Commencement Ceremony

Information on 2017 UNIST Commencement Ceremony
□ Date, time, and place
Date and time: February 21(Tue), 14:00
Place: UNIST Gymnasium
※Parents and guests are asked to take a seat ten minutes before the ceremony begins.
※Graduates are asked to wear a graduation gown on the first floor in the business administration building and get ready to enter the event hall by 13:00, February 21.
□ Events
Part 1 Celebration Event
– Performance of an orchestra
Part 2 Commencement
– Academic Procession Entrance, Allegiance to the Nation, Report on Educational Matters, Introduction of Attendees, Certificates of a Merit Award, Address of the President, Congratulatory Address, Conferment of Degree, Valedictorian Speech, School Song, Academic Procession Retreat
□ Shuttle Bus Run for Free
KTX Station ⇒ UNIST
– Service Time: 11:00 ~ 14:40
(Two buses in operation every 20 minutes in turn.)
– Boarding Place: Shuttle Bus Stop at Ulsan Station(See the picture below.)
UNIST ⇒ KTX Station
– Service Time: 16:30, 17:00, 17:30, 18:00, 18:30
– Boarding Place: In front of the UNIST Square
KTX Shuttle Bus Stop(At the exit, make a right turn and go straight around 30 meters.)