World Top 10 University by 2030

World Top 10 Universityby2030


    World Leading University to Advance Science and Technology for the Prosperity of Humankind

    To create a world-class university that contributes to human life by fostering creative global leaders in scienceand technology who pioneer the future and implementing convergent science and technology that presents a new paradigm.


    To be Ranked within the Top 10 Science and Technology University by 2030
    • Research

      Realization of convergence science and technology, indicating the new paradigm

    • Education

      Cultivation of creative leaders that excel in science and technology


    Creativity, Interdisciplinary Education, Globalization, and Research-Intensive
    • Creativity

      IT-based student-centered discussion classes (Flipped learning)

    • Interdisciplinary

      All professors are appointed to undertake two or more schools.

    • Globalization

      All courses at UNIST are conducted in 100% English. Expansion of foreign professors and students by 20%

    • Research

      Research topics for thrust area: Next-Generation EnergyAdvanced Materials (Bio-materials, Energy Materials, Composite Materials, Carbon Materials)