Employment Notice

Employment Notice
NO Title Date Hits Download
198 Announcement of Successful Candidates for the 3rd Researcher Recruitment of th.. 2021.04.16 905
197 Recruitment for research positions at College of Engineering (2021-6th) 2021.04.15 996
196 2021-03 Recruitment Announcement for Postdoctoral Research Associate Position .. 2021.04.14 989
195 UNIST Energy and Chemical Engineering Research Assistant Professor Recruitment 2021.04.12 1,749
194 2021-3rd Announcement of Successful Applicants of Researcher of the College of.. 2021.04.09 1,511
193 The result of interview screening(Research positions at College of Engineering.. 2021.04.09 873
192 The result of document screening (Research positions at College of Engineering.. 2021.04.05 813
191 Recruitment for Researchers in the College of Information-Bio Convergence Engi.. 2021.04.05 1,786
190 The result of interview screening(Research positions at College of Engineering.. 2021.03.29 1,770
189 Announcement of Final Candidates of researcher recruitment(2021/3rd) 2021.03.26 1,088