Employment Notice

Employment Notice
NO Title Date Hits Download
368 2022-13th Researcher Recruitment for College of Natural Sciences 2022.12.22 770
367 2022-12th Announcement of Successful Applicants of Researcher of the College o.. 2022.12.16 1,006
366 Recruitment for research positions at College of Engineering (2022-12th) 2022.12.14 1,289
365 The result of interview (Research positions at College of Engineering, 2022-11.. 2022.12.08 1,024
364 Announcement of Final Candidates of researcher recruitment(2022-11th)(College .. 2022.12.08 1,012
363 The result of document screening(Research positions at College of Engineering,.. 2022.12.01 1,206
362 Recruitment for Researchers in the College of Information and Biotechnology(2.. 2022.11.30 1,305
361 Screening evaluation result of researcher recruitment(2022/11th)(College of In.. 2022.11.28 1,110
360 2022-12th Researcher Recruitment for College of Natural Sciences 2022.11.24 1,274
359 Announcement of Successful Candidates for the 11th Researcher Recruitment of t.. 2022.11.24 1,202