

  • 2017.12 07THU
    04:00 ~ 05:15

    SLS Colloquium(2017-11): Professor Seok Sid Chung

    The 2017 SLS Fall colloquium will be held at UNIST, every Thursday from September 7th to December 7th, 2017. For the lecture, Professor Seok Sid Chung from Korea University,  will be presenting “Translational microfluidics from diagnosis to 3D cell culture”

    Room N104, Bldg 110

  • 2017.11 30THU

    SLS Colloquium(2017-10): Professor Seung-Woo Cho

    The 2017 SLS Fall colloquium will be held at UNIST, every Thursday from September 7th to December 7th, 2017. For the lecture, Professor Seung-Woo Cho from Yonsei University,  will be presenting “Biomaterials for Stem Cell Engineering and Reprogramming”

    Room N104, Bldg 110

  • 2017.11 29WED
    UNICorn Night

    UNICorn Night

    – mentor : Nam jae Hyun – Time : 18:00 ~ 19:30 – Location : Domitory(306) 1F UNISTPARK – Contact :

    Domitory(306) 1F UNISPARK

  • 2017.11 23THU
    04:00 ~ 05:15 pm

    2017 SLS Fall Colloquium: Professor Hyongbum (Henry) Kim

    The 2017 SLS Fall colloquium will be held at UNIST, every Thursday from September 7th to December 7th, 2017. For the lecture, Professor Hyongbum (Henry) Kim from Yonsei University College of Medicine,  will be presenting “In vivo high-throughput profiling of CRISPR-Cpf1”

    Room N104, Bldg 110

  • 2017.11 21TUE
    UNIST Culture Program: “The First Lier”

    UNIST Culture Program: “The First Lier”

    A free public play, entitled “The First Lier” will be held at UNIST, as part of UNIST Culture Program from November 21 to 22, 2017.

    Main Auditorium (2F), Main Admin. Bldg. 201, UNIST

  • 2017.11 18SAT
    14:00 ~ 17:00

  • 2017.11 17FRI
    14:50-17:00 p.m.
    Opening Ceremony of UNISPARK

    Opening Ceremony of UNISPARK

    The opening ceremony of UNISPARK, a space for student entrepreneurs, is scheduled to be held on November 17, 2017.

    Student Dormitory 306, 1F UNISPARK

  • 2017.11 16THU
    17:00-21:00 p.m. (Nov. 16th) & 09:30-20:00 p.m. (Nov. 17th)
    The 3rd CGI International Symposium

    The 3rd CGI International Symposium

    The 3rd IBS International Symposium on Genomic Integrity will be held at UNIST from November 16 to 17, 2017.

    Room #U110, Bldg. #108 (Nov. 16th) & Room #113, Bldg. #103 (Nov. 17th)

  • 2017.11 16THU
    04:00 ~ 05:15 pm

    2017 SLS Colloquium: Professor Sang-Kyu Ye

    The 2017 SLS Fall colloquium will be held at UNIST, every Thursday from September 7th to December 7th, 2017. For the lecture, Professor Sang-Kyu Ye from Seoul National University College of Medicine,  will be presenting “Stat3 is a potential therapeutic target for cancer ste..

    Room N104, Bldg 110

  • 2017.11 10FRI
    12:00 p.m.
    The 4th UNIST Big Data Symposium

    The 4th UNIST Big Data Symposium

    The 4th UNIST Big Data Symposium will take place on Friday, November 10, 2017. For more details, please visit the link below: Topic: “Data Analytics and its Applicati..

    Business Admin. Bldg., Room #102