

  • 2017.11 09THU
    16:00 p.m.
    ‘The Wing’ Orchestra by Shinik Hahm & Symphony S.O.N.G

    ‘The Wing’ Orchestra by Shinik Hahm & Symphony S.O.N.G

    A free public music concert, ‘The Wing’ Orchestra will be held at UNIST, as part of UNIST Culture Program in November.

    An outdoor stage between Business Admin. Bldg. and Gymnasium

  • 2017.11 09THU
    04:00 ~ 05:15 pm

    2017 SLS Fall Colloquium: Professor Won Do Heo

    The 2017 SLS Fall colloquium will be held at UNIST, every Thursday from September 7th to December 7th, 2017. For the lecture, Professor Won Do Heo from Department of Biological Sciences KAIST,  will be presenting “Bringing Novel Optogenetic and Bio-imaging Technologies to Neu..

    Room N104, Bldg 110

  • 2017.11 03FRI
    On-campus Interview for 2018 Rolling Admission

    On-campus Interview for 2018 Rolling Admission

    The on-campus admission interview for 2018 Rolling Admission is scheduled to be held at UNIST Business Administration Building from November 3rd to 4th, 2017. ※ Please note that there will be restri..

    Business Admin. Bldg. (114)

  • 2017.11 02THU
    16:00 p.m.
    2017 MSE Colloquium: Professor Kiha Hong

    2017 MSE Colloquium: Professor Kiha Hong

    The 2017 SLS Fall colloquium will be held at UNIST, every Thursday from September 7th to December 7th, 2017. For the lecture, Professor Kiha Hong  from Hanbat University,  will be presenting “U..

    Engineering Bldg. 104, #E2017

  • 2017.11 02THU
    16:00-17:15 p.m.
    2017 SLS Colloquium: Professor Hyun Jung Chung

    2017 SLS Colloquium: Professor Hyun Jung Chung

    The 2017 SLS Fall colloquium will be held at UNIST, every Thursday from September 7th to December 7th, 2017. For the lecture, Professor Hyun Jung Chung  from KAIST,  will be presenting “Nanoch..

    Engineering Bldg. 4

  • 2017.10 30MON
    2017 Disaster Response & Safety Drill

    2017 Disaster Response & Safety Drill

    The 2017 Disaster Response & Safety Drill will take place on campus, earlier today. The primary purpose of this drill is to improve the organizational agility for disaster management.  

    UNIST Campus

  • 2017.10 28SAT
    9:00 a.m.
    POSTECH-UNIST Rowing Competition

    POSTECH-UNIST Rowing Competition

    The POSTECH-UNIST Rowing Competition will be held on Saturday, October 28, 2017 at Pohang Hyeongsan River Regatta Course.

    Pohang Hyeongsan River Regatta Course

  • 2017.10 26THU
    2017 Fall MSE Colloquium: Dr. Kyeongwoon Chung

    2017 Fall MSE Colloquium: Dr. Kyeongwoon Chung

    The 2017 MSE colloquium will be held at UNIST, every Thursday from September 7th to December 7th, 2017. The 5th lecturer of  MSE Colloquium is Dr. Kyeongwoon Chung from Korea Institute of Material..

    Engineering Bldg. II (104), #E207

  • 2017.10 26THU

    2017 SLS Colloquium: Young Hun Jeong Ph.D

    The 2017 SLS Fall colloquium will be held at UNIST, every Thursday from September 7th to December 7th, 2017. For the lecture, Professor Young Hun Jeong from Kyungpook National University will be presenting “Three-dimensional cell cultures on nanofiber structures”

    Room N104, Bldg 110

  • 2017.10 25WED
    16:00-17:15 p.m.
    2017 Fall ECE Colloquium: Dr. Joo-Yun Jung

    2017 Fall ECE Colloquium: Dr. Joo-Yun Jung

    A ECE colloquium is scheduled to be held at UNIST on Wednesday, October 25, 2017. Dr. Joo-Yun Jung from Korea Institute of Machinary and Materials (KIMM) will be presenting several metallic nanopatter..

    Engineering Bldg. III (106), #E204