

  • 2017.09 14THU
    3D Printing Gala in Ulsan

    3D Printing Gala in Ulsan

    The 3D Printing Gala in Ulsan will be held from September 14(Thur.) to 16(Sat.) in the Engineering Bldg. IV at UNIST. The event will feature an exhibition, as well as hands-on experience event on R..

    Kyungdong Hall (4F), Main Admin. Bldg. (201) & Engineering Bldg. IV (108) #U110,

  • 2017.09 14THU

    2017 Fall MSE Colloquium: Dr. Keehoon Kang

    The 2017 MSE colloquium will be held at UNIST, every Thursday from September 7th to December 7th, 2017. The 2nd lecturer of  MSE Colloquium is Dr. Keehoon Kang from Seoul National University, presenting “Probing coherent charge transport in conducting polymers doped by solid..

    Engineering Bldg. II (104), #E207

  • 2017.09 13WED
    The 4th Industrial Revolution Forum in Ulsan

    The 4th Industrial Revolution Forum in Ulsan

    The 4th Industrial Revolution Forum in Ulsan will be held from September 13(Wed.) to 14(Thur.) in the Main Administration Building, UNIST. The event will feature a host of presentations on Fourth Indu..

    UNIST Main Admin. Bldg. (201) & Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., & Hyundai Motor Co., Ltd.

  • 2017.09 07THU

    2017 Fall MSE Colloquium: Prof. Kyo-in Koo

    The 2017 MSE colloquium will be held at UNIST, every Thursday from September 7th to December 7th, 2017. The 1st lecturer of  MSE Colloquium is Prof. Kyo-in Koo from University of Ulsan, presenting “Analgesia using the enhanced reality”

    Engineering Bldg. II (104), #E207

  • 2017.09 07THU
    04:00 ~ 05:15 pm

    2017 SLS Colloqium: DR. Edouard Jurkevitch

    The 2017 SLS colloquium will be held at UNIST, every Thursday from September 7th to December 7th, 2017. The 1th lecturer of  SLS Colloquium is Dr. Edouard Jurkevitch from Hebrew University of Jerusalem, presenting “Theoretical and applied aspects of predation by Bdellovibr..

    Room N104, Bldg 110

  • 2017.09 07THU
    16:00-17:00 p.m.
    2017 SLS Fall Colloquium: Professor Edouard Jurkevitch

    2017 SLS Fall Colloquium: Professor Edouard Jurkevitch

    The 2017 SLS FAll colloquium will be held at UNIST, every Thursday from September 7th to December 7th, 2017. The 1st lecturer of MSE Colloquium is Professor Edouard Jurkevitch from Hebrew UniveJerusal..

    Room E104, Engineering Bldg. 110

  • 2017.08 28MON
    15:40-17:10 p.m.
    Special Seminar: Professor Li-Qun Zhang

    Special Seminar: Professor Li-Qun Zhang

    Professor Li-Qun Zhang from University of Maryland will visit UNIST to deliver a special lecture, entitled “Use of Rehabilitation robotics in Neuro-Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation”.

    Room 701, Engineering Bldg. 5 (112)

  • 2017.08 21MON
    ~August 23.
    ’17 Ulchi Response Daily Plan

    ’17 Ulchi Response Daily Plan

    In accordance with Safety Team-1422(2017.08.09.)code, 2017 Ulchi Response Drill in UNIST is to be conducted from Aug 21 to 22. Ulchi-Freedom Guardian (UFG) is the name of the military exercise, a comb..

    All UNIST Areas

  • 2017.08 21MON
    ~ 22(Tue) August, 2017
    The 4th Creative Design Engineering Competition

    The 4th Creative Design Engineering Competition

    2017 Creative Design Engineering Competition Title : “IoT Design for Sustainable Living” Contents – Special lecture Kukhyung Han(Lumos Candle CEO) – Creative Design workshop – Me..

    Engineering Bldg. 104 #1005 (TD Room)

  • 2017.08 10THU
    Trading Competition 2017

    Rotman-UNIST Trading Competition 2017

    Rotman-UNIST Trading Competition ☞ RUTC Home page Eligibility – Sign up as a team(3 members/1 team) – Student who are interested in TRADING – Accommodation :UNIST dormitory Registr..

    Bldg. 114 (Business Administration Bldg.)