UNIST Multi-Interdisciplinary Institute

Research at a Glancemore

  • Multidisciplinary Research

    Indicating the new paradigm through the realization of convergence science and technology

  • Research on Specific Topics

    • Next Generation Energy
    • Advanced Materials
  • Cumulative Investment in Research Equipment

    $140 million USD

  • Expansion of Research Facilities

    Additional $200 million USD to expand high-tech research facilities by 2016

  • Average Research Grant per Professor (Cumulative):

    Number four among domestic universities at $217,000 USD

  • Attraction of External Research Grant (Cumulative):

    $130 million USD

  • NPI INDEX (Ranking):

    Number six among domestic universities (as of October 2014) *NPI: Index of research papers published in Nature and 17 sister magazines

  • IBS Research Groups:

    • 3 IBS Campus Site Labs
    • Receiving funding of
      $300 million USD for the
      next 10 years
    • Center for Soft and Living Matter: Director, Distinguished Professor Steve Granick
    • Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials: Director, Distinguished Professor Rodney S. Ruoff
    • Center for Genomic Integrity: Director, Distinguished Professor Kyungjae Myung

Organized by Office of Research

  • Intensive Research Center

  • National Support Research Center(4 Centers)

  • Organized by College/School

  • Engineering Research Institute(31 Centers)

  • Information and Biotechnology Research Institute(14 Centers)

  • Basic Science Research Institute(6 Centers)

  • Business Administration Research Institute(5 Centers)

  • Humanities Research Institute(3 Centers)