The 2nd CGI International Symposium

Thursday, January 28, 2016
- Place : Seminar Room 113, Building 103, UNIST
- Participant : Director Kyungjae Myung (IBS Center for Genomic Integrity), Prof. Yonghwan Kim (Sookmyung Women's Univ.), Geert Kops (Univ. of Medical Center Utrecht), Prof. Wei Xiao (Univ. of Sask.), Prof. Anindya Dutta (Univ. of Virginia), Prof. Deong Su Hwang (Seoul National Univ.), and associates.
- Department : IBS Center for Genomic Integrity
- Contact : 052-217-5529
The 2nd IBS International Symposium on Genomic Integrity will be held at UNIST on January 28th, 2015.
The theme of the symposium is “Dynamic Molecular Mechanisms Preserving Genomic Integrity: Replication, Repair, Recombination, and Cell Division“.